
My name is Megan Frazer and I bring awareness to hidden tragedies.

There are many silent catastrophes in this world that go unnoticed. Mine included. As a person who has not yet lived a full life, I have still gone through many “misfortunate” events such as depression, abuse, suicidal urges, and more. As an artist, I intend to bring these events to light to not only heal, but to give a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves. By using my own life and experience, I use figures and create symbolism to help express what something feels like using more literal and interpretive objects.

It is a strong belief of mine that words cannot begin to express the complex emotions humans possess. There are only so many words that we can use to describe ourselves and how we feel. For example, someone who is feeling down may describe themselves as, “I am sad.” But what does that all entail? There are so many levels and different kinds of sadness. A simple statement as such does not narrow the playing field for anyone who is trying to understand.

This is where my artwork comes in. With the act of creation, anything is possible. There is no right or wrong way to do things. My artwork comes from the raw feeling of different experiences. These experiences can be anything. For me, my feelings derive from the struggles of life that not everyone may know about. A few examples could be the struggles of depression, self worth, romantic relations, and the cause and affect people can leave on a person who is already vulnerable. These are many experiences we all share together, even though it may not always seem like it. Everyone’s experiences are all different in their own ways, but we all undergo similar emotions.

But why? Why would I even want to share my emotions and experiences with people through my artwork. There are a few goals I would like to achieve through my art.

First off, I want to recognize the significance of mental illness and how much of an impact personal struggle has had on this time period. Everyone knows the popular artworks like “Starry Night” by Vincent Van Gogh, or “The Mona Lisa” by Leonardo da Vinci. These artworks define the era that these artists lived in. They highlight what was important and what people should remember about this time in history. As many things as there are to remember during the 21st century, I have noticed there isn’t a lot of art that covers the significance that mental illness has had on our society. So I decided to fill this role and show the world the insurmountable impact mental illness has brought. The kind of artwork I create, I have yet to see be made by anyone else. So I hope to give awareness to others, while also creating artwork people have yet to see.

Secondly, I want people to have the ability to understand what others have and are currently going through. As I have stated previously, mental illness is and has been a huge topic in our world. Even though a lot of people have first hand experience of what mental illness struggles feel like, there’s still a good handful of people who don’t. Some people don’t have the experience or simply don’t have the understanding of what it’s like. With my artwork, I want to create some partially relatable between my artwork and the viewer. Either the viewer can relate to my artwork and use it as tool to help explain their own feelings. Or the viewer may be someone who does not understand and can use my semi-literal artwork to help them comprehend what other people are going through. In the end, I would like my artwork to be used as tool to help eliminate some of the walls that keep mental illness from being talked about.

Lastly, I want to show people an effective method for healing. There are many different ways a person can overcome trauma, or simply learn how to live a normal life with some mental struggle. Some methods may seem less effective or just silly. My doctor once told me meditating or exercise could help me. But I was still a young high schooler who didn’t like exercise and already spent enough time in my head. These solutions didn’t seem genuine to me. Through my art journey, by replicating my experiences through painting, I found a way to heal and move forward with my life. I want to share this discovery with others. Sometimes the creative process can be overlooked as something childish or too simple. People may question how creating something can help alleviate something so bearing. Yet, it can work. I would love to be a leader and expose this process to children, adults, or anyone who is willing to try.


Don’t hesitate to contact me about any questions or inquiries! You can find me at:

Instagram @meganfrazerart

LinkedIn @MeganFrazer